05 March, 2021

After Autoconfig has been run successfully on all nodes, verify the tables have been correctly populated

  After Autoconfig has been run successfully on all nodes, run the following two (2) queries in order to verify the tables have been correctly populated:


        set pagesize 200

        set linesize 200

        col node_name format a15

        col server_id format a8

        col server_address format a15

        col platform_code format a4

        col webhost format a25

        col domain format a20

        col virtual_ip format a18

        select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A, support_forms F, support_web W, node_name, server_id,

               server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip, status

          from fnd_nodes order by node_name;





set pagesize 200

        set linesize 200

        col NAME format A20

        col VERSION format A22

        col PATH format A86

        col STATUS format A10


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