27 September, 2016

How to Save putty sessions

Putty has the option to log telnet and SSH traffic session output to disk. I think it’s a good idea to always log the telnet and SSH session output of every session to a file. In this way you always have a great reference/history available, which contains all previous commands and output of earlier telnet and SSH sessions.

Configure Putty

When you want putty to log all your session output, you have to change the default settings. This is pretty simple: open putty and go to Session->Logging. Select all session output and specify a log file.

To automatically save the output to a file, you can set up Putty like this:
  1. Start putty.exe
  2. Go to Session -> Logging
  3. Select "Printable output"
  4. Choose the folder, where you want the file to be placed
  5. Append a file name like &H_&Y&M&D_&T.log to the path (host_YearMonthDay_time.log)
  6. Save the profile as default settings
I am using some putty parameters which will make every session unique, in this case “&H-&Y&M&D-&T.log”, which means:
  • &H = hostname for the session
  • &Y = year
  • &M = month
  • &D = day
  • &T = time
The next step is save this new log settings to the Default Settings profile in putty; the Default Settings profile contains your….uh…Default Settings :). Every new putty session
will now log its output to a (new) logfile. Already saved sessions will not be affected by this setting, you have to change these sessions separately.

You will now end up with a bunch of unique log files for the various putty sessions and you’re building your own great putty-reference-database in the log directory specified.

20 September, 2016

ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters


SQL> startup;
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters

LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/initOPROD.ora'


I see two things wrong here. Oracle tries to open a parameter file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory with the format "spfile" + $ORACLE_SID + ".ora". If it cannot find it, it then tries to open "init" + $ORACLE_SID + ".ora". This is where the problem(s) are.
By virtue of the fact that Oracle is trying to open a parameter file named "initXE.ora", your SID must be (or was at one point) equal to "XE".
1) This is the easy part, so try this first. Since (in your comments) doing an echo $ORACLE_SID yields nothing, try setting it.
Then try starting Oracle again.
2) In your comments above, you show the file is named "initxe.ora". Is that really the name of the file? Or did your paste into a comment somehow lowercase the output of the ls command?
The reason I point this out, is that Ubuntu (Linux) has a case-sensitive filesystem. So initxe.ora and initXE.ora are actually two different files. So if your comment is correct and the file is lower-cased, you'll want to set your ORACLE_SID to "xe" instead:
export ORACLE_SID=xe
Try that, and see if it works.

Useful Scripts

To Find session details using SID. set verify off col sid format 99999 col machine format a10 col program format a25 trunc col username form...